Sunday, September 14, 2008

Palin's appeal to the base

This is not the first time I've agreed with Andrew Sullivan, and it probably won't be the last. Sarah Palin's governing style is eerily similar to George W. Bush.

  • cronyism: not just hiring cronies, hiring unqualified cronies
  • vindictiveness: punishing anything short of 100% uncritical support
  • secrecy and lies
  • piling up debt
And she still has her passionate supporters, even in the small town she left with a big debt.

I think it is because she is divisive; because she rewards cronies (regardless of qualifications) and punishes critics (regardless of accuracy). Whatever Sarah thinks about evolution, she plays to the Old Monkey. By the standards of the Old Monkey, it is right and good to lie to Them, attack Them, and steal Their bananas. It is all for the good of Us & Ours, Home & Hearth, and therefore it is all Good.

To me, McCain/Palin are all talk, no substance; their policies do not help the people supporting them, they actively harm them. Bush has left most of the people voting for him less secure, less prosperous, and more in debt than when he took office; McCain/Palin will continue the downward spiral.

But the Old Monkey follows the tribal chant. "Obama will talk to the Bad Guys! We will bomb the Bad Guys! We're the ones on Your side!" And never mind that "bomb the bad guys" doesn't actually make us any safer; it sounds like strength to the Old Monkey.

We will not win on reason alone. We have to get more people to the polls who vote with humanity, instead of with the Old Monkey.

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